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Our Plural History | Springfield, MA

Local women prepare forty dozen choereg, a traditional Armenian sweet roll, for the Armenian Fest held in Springfield, MA.
Local area women prepare forty dozen cheoreg rolls, a traditional Armenian sweet bread and a staple of Easter Celebrations, for the annual "Armenian Fest" held at St. Mark Armenian Church on Wilbraham Road, Springfield, MA. In this image: Mary Omartian (front left), Ellie Demirjian (top left), Elsie Zirakian (bottom right), Anita Assarian (top right)..
Courtesy of Setta McCabe

Primary Resources Archive

Cheoreg Recipes
These recipes are for cheoreg, a traditional Armenian sweet bread, often served at special occassions such as religous celebrations and festivals, although anyone who has tried them knows they are too good to be eaten only on these rare occassions. Some might be familiar with other common foods associated with Armenian cuisine such as kebabs and pilaf.

Cheoreg Roll Recipe 1
The following recipe comes from an Armenian themed cookbok entilted, Treasured Armenian Recipes and published by the Detroit Women's chapter of the Armenian General Benevolent Union.

Cheoreg Roll Recipe 2
This recipe comes from The Armenian Cookbook by Rachel Hogrogian and illustrated by Nonny Hogrogian. The cookbook was published by Atheneum in 1980.

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